OrigaMIT Meeting Fall 2009

Tuesday, September 29th

Meeting began with a spotlight on origami artist Robert Lang. Jason gave a short talk on the use of the origami color change, and it's application in flipable grids to fold alphanumeric symbols. Brian Chan concluded the lecture, applying color change design principles to representational models.

Afterward, we had some show and tell; Brian showed off some of his display works, and we spoke a little about paper choice and wet folding, while others attempted to fold my letters from the crease pattern. Jared Waltz showed some of his tessellations. Michelle Fung finished a foil version of a Knight on Horseback by Miyajima. Yanping Chen began the design of a rabbit. Jennifer Wong took pictures of the meeting for The Tech.

The OrigaMIT logo is a stylicization of Typeset, an origami font designed by Jason Ku '09. Top photo depicts Tim the Beaver V2 by Michelle Fung '13. Bottom photo depicts Mens et Manus II, copyright 2007 Brian Chan '02.

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